
Md. Maksud Alam Chowdhury

Software Engineer

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About Me

I have been developing software for Web and Android for 7 years. I work with Python, Nodejs & Native Android SDK. Currently I am working in Astro as Senior Associate, Software Engineer My primary responsibility is to develop & manage microservices.

My expertise in Backend ( Nodejs, Python) , Frontend ( React, Redux, typescript ) & Mobile platform (Android) allows me to analyse architectural trade offs properly. I can empathize with developers across platforms and understand the bottlenecks quickly.

Being involved in DevOps operation including CI/CD pipeline integration, I have experienced the common pitfalls of design choices. Usually I prefer ansible, docker & jenkins.

When I am not coding you can find me reading books. Apart from science fiction I love to read about software engineering as well as autobiography, organizational history & nonfiction.

Learning different discipline enables me to think deeper. So I have taken courses in MOOC like edX, pluralsight on diverse courses like economics, urban planning. Digging depper into distributed computing by reading whitepapers & research papers published by Facebook, google is my passion. Currently I am learning ROS (Robot Operating System).



Senior Associate, Software Engineer

I am actively developing & managing micro-services. Currently I am Working in both frontnend and backend as well as maintaining cloud resources.

I am a core member of ACM ( under Digital Ecosystem (D5). which manages Homepage, ACM Shop, ACM Rewards & Promotions, ACM Content guide. With 75% market penetration Astro is the largest payTV network in Malaysia. D5 manages the digital footprint of the company.

ACM is the frontline for entire Astro. Hence making sure our resources and services are secure and performant is a top priority and under my jurisdiction. Challenges include making sure we can accommodate campaign traffic, allow users to redeem during flash sale.

I ensured 100% deliveries on time and without any post deployment hotfix. In ACM Shop, the lead capture was improved by 48.66% mainly by designing fallback approaches and effective monitoring. Area coverage was a major concern for lead capture, I helped design the system in a way so that users find it more flexible. It helped reduce the churn rate by 5%.

Each API latency must be < 500 ms for seamless customer experience in a mobile first world. I ensured the SLA is met by monitoring the latency across services and caching the responses. Warming up lmabda is another approach for ensuring serverless services are active.

Frontend performance is of paramount importance. Instead of bundling entire components, loading by chuks helpe reduced the TTI significantly. It cut the TTI and improved the score by 2 sec.

Frontend errors are hard to catch and resolve. I helped ensure 65% such errors are reported and resolved within 2 weeks. Specially the mobile devices with older browsers as well as in app browsers cause incompatibility issues which is hard to track. So I meticulously went through each report and prioratize accordingly. While adding polyfills can solve it but it causes performance penalty. So I had to carefully balance the tradeoffs.

Frontend errors are hard to catch and resolve. I helped ensure 65% such errors are reported and resolved within 2 weeks. Specially the mobile devices with older browsers as well as in app browsers cause incompatibility issues which is hard to track. So I meticulously went through each report and prioratize accordingly. While adding polyfills can solve it but it causes performance penalty. So I had to carefully balance the tradeoffs.

21% cost reduction was possible to due scheduled downsizing of non-critical resources. Also properly collaborating with the resource owner, I managed to decomission redundant services / helped migrate them to a shared resource model instead of dedicated one.

Existing and legacy code coverage was improved to 99.63% including the unit tests and integration tests.

Debugging a service through multiple lambda logs is quite time consuming. So I helped wrote a tool to span timeline of a request across multiple lambda functions. Astro-Dissection

I co-ordinate backend sessions within Digital ecosystem. We present our architecture and discuss on the tradeoffs and how to improve the reliability and security of the services.

Knowledge gathered:

  • Typescript
  • Nodejs
  • Serverless
  • React
  • Redux
  • AWS

ZS Solutions Ltd.

Senior Software Engineer

Prime responsibilities include architecting solution and developing them.

I am a core member of Smartmed Healthcare Solution which manages critical patient's data. I have helped develop doctor's collaboration platform with flexible access rule engine. Gradually I instigiated the process to profile and refactor the legacy codes with test coverage. Currently the web performance gain is 3 times compared to initial state.

Apart from developing optimized API for mobile clients, I developed the Pubish subscribe component and helped to deploy the distributed infrastructure.

Knowledge sharing is an integral part of my professionalism. I mentor junior developers and take technical sessions regularly.

Knowledge gathered:

  • python
  • django
  • Mysql
  • Rabbitmq
  • bootstrap
  • highchart
  • jquery
  • NodeJs
  • redis

Omex Courier & Logistics Ltd.

Software Engineer

Key responsibilities were developing backend services and API. I have automated the deployment with ansible and docker. Bundle scanning process was a crucial part of the system. I designed it with proper software and database locks. This improved the throughput and operational speed. Error ratio went from 30% to less than 5%.

I have monitored the deployed services. Mostly observing key memory usage over time to identify memory leaks. I observed other metrics like CPU usage and Mysql handler threads to determine any discrepency in not freeing hardware resources by application process.

Knowledge gathered:

  • NodeJs
  • sequelize
  • Mysql
  • Redis

Lantas Technologies

Software Engineer

Developed the real estate property listing platform with advanced search and alerting module. The mobile app for agents had contact sharing. I designed the contact sync protocol so that agents can collaborate on leads.

I developed the contact sharing module in Native Adroid SDK. I had to take care of latency and bandwidth requirement as well as user acceptance criteria.

Knowledge gathered:

  • python
  • Django
  • Android
  • Celery
  • Elasticsearch
  • Mysql
  • Redis

Amsaslink Inc

Co-founder & CTO

Developed Web & Android prototype for location based social network Senveo. Integrated real time notification and alerting based on proximity. Initiaing conversation among users with low latecy was a design challenge.

Knowledge gathered:

  • Android
  • python
  • NodeJs
  • GeoDjango
  • Amazon Web Service
  • Google Maps


Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology

February 2009 - April 2014

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science & Engineering

Successfully passed with CGPA 3.31

Major Courses:

Thesis: Biometric Security Using ECG (Pattern Recognition, Signal processing)

Birshreshtha Noor Mohammad Public College

June 2006 - May 2008

Higher Secondary Certificate

Secured A+( GPA 5.00/5) in all subjects. I was awarded general government scholarship for dhaka board for merit position.

Rayer Bazar High Scool

January 1999 - February 2006

Secondary School Certificate

Secured A+( GPA 5.00/5) in all subjects.


Lambda Dissection

Category: Application

if a micro-service spans across multiple lambda functions, each lambda has it's own request id. So to trace through the entire lifecycle of a particular resource, I made this project. It takes identifier of the resource and traces across dependent lambdas. We can derive a timeline with individual log data. So this project provides a consolidated view of a resource. Future plan is to generalize it as a GraphQL engine.

The software stack contains: Python, boto3, AWS CLI

Biometric Security Using ECG

Category: Application

Identification of a person by ECG signal was the main objective. ECG signals were analyzed and characteristic features as well as analytical features were extracted. PCA(Princinple Component Analysis) was run on the data.

The software stack contains: Python , Django, pywfdb ,Mysql, Elasticsearch, scikit-learn, numpy

View Project


Category: Web

SmartMed aims to enhance the levels of health care provided to millions of people across the world. Through regular vital signs and wellbeing monitoring SmartMed empowers the patient to take control of the management of their own long-term, chronic condition. SmartMed enables patients to live healthier lives by enabling them to manage their own health monitoring from the comfort of their own homes.

The software stack contains: python, Django, Nodejs, Mysql, Redis,, Bootstrap, Jquery

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Omex Courier & Logistics Ltd

Category: Web

Omex Courier & Logistics Ltd is a logistics company with full support for tracking. It includes keeping clients updated through mobile messages.

The software stack contains: nodejs,sequelize, Mysql, Redis

View Project

Python adapter for BaasBox

Category: Library

BaasBox (Mobile backend as a service) didn’t have python SDK. So it was prepared to interact with their services. The primary objective was to keep the business logic clean.

The software stack contains: Python

View Project

Encrypted Chat Client with Certifying authority

Category: Application

Implementation of CA(Certifying Authority). First Diffi-Hellman algorithm for transfering RSA Keys to client and then initiating encrypted data transfer between the clients using them.

The software stack contains: JAVA

View Project


Category: Android

Y’ello is a contact management & sharing android application with sync protocol for contact backup and seamless sharing. It included fuctionalities like shared contact list across multiple users.

The software stack contains: JAVA, Android


Category: Android

Senveo is a location based social network for university students in turkey. Android client was developed using native SDK . It has location based search chatting & storage management with Amazon S3 Storage

The software stack contains: JAVA, Android

Lantas Lands

Category: Web

Lantas Lands is a premium real estate agency . It has strong data anlytics engines and complete suite of real estate data management system. Advanced reporting and task management tools for agents. Property listings , searching.

The software stack contains: python, Django, Mysql, Elasticsearch, Redis, Bootstrap


Category: Web

Amsaslink is a social network site where you can follow your friends , Share pictures , videos , blogs and lot more.

The software stack contains: python, Nodejs Django, Mysql, Elasticsearch, Redis, Bootstrap

WASA Complaint management system

Category: Web

Developed complaint management system for WASA in the Water Hackathon 2014.

The software stack contains: PHP, Codeigniter, Mysql, Bootstrap, Jquery

View Project

Donate Mate

Category: Web

Developed a donation management application which gets donation from user and shows where the donated amount has been spent. Collects current status of the donated project from crowd sourcing

The software stack contains: PHP, Codeigniter, Mysql, Bootstrap, Jquery

View Project


Best Attendance

February 2018

ZS Solutions Ltd

Mentorship Award

February 2018

ZS Solutions Ltd

The award was given to recognise an individual with mentorship capability. The scope of a mentor is to train junior developers and integrate them into project. The award identifies person who shares knowledge with team members.

Best Organizer of BUET Codehub-Hackathone 2014

March 2014

Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology

My responsibility was Planning , Communication & Technical management. My key role was to schedule the timeline , contact attendees and facilitate participants.

Second Runner up

November 2012

Therap Javafest-2012

Pinfriend application was awarded as the second runner up for the Therap Javafest 2012. It was an identity based reminder app for android. Application can track where users are and alarm them whenever they are nearby. Users can attach reminders to their friends. They can also set a radius onto which the users are going to get the allarm.

Second Runner up

July 2012

Horoppa Hackathon

Horoppa Hackathon is a software prototyping contest which focuses on advanced technical, analytic & creative senses.


February 2012

Code warriors Challenge

Rapid prototyping contest arranged by Bangladesh Association of Software & Information Services as a part of BASIS Software Expo 2012.


March 2011

Microsoft Imagine Cup 2011

Microsoft Imagine cup is a global competition arranged by Microsoft to inspire young students . HEPHE was the finalist of Microsoft Imagine Cup 2011 HEPHE is a ecosystem of apps enabling problem reporting , education . The name HEPHE stands for Hunger , Education , Poverty , Health & Environment.

Higher Secondary School Board Scholarship

November 2008

Ministry of Education, Bangladesh

Runner up

September 2005

Inter District Instant Speech Competition

Organized by Islamic Bank of Bangladesh.


Web Site Design and Web Applications Development ( BCCH-WBAPPDEV-09 )

December 2010

Bangladesh Computer Council

License 12589

OXBSG01x: From Poverty to Prosperity: Understanding Economic Development

December 2017

OxfordX (University of Oxford through edX)

License 0a6ade54f41d488aa053f6626de1c5be

Course Link


Lead Organizer

January 2012-August 2014

BUET System Analysis , Design & Development Group

Microsoft Student Partner

September 2013-July 2014


Get in Touch

Current Address

E-8-17, Block-E, Arena Green Apartments, Bukit Jalil, 57000, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Phone: +6011-6450 8952

Home Address

Chowdhury Bari, 137/3, 1-kha, Hazi Akhter Hossain Road, West Dhanmondi, Modhubazar, Dhaka-1209, Bangladesh.
Phone: +880-1520080138, +880-1710567146